by Daniel McGrew | Apr 25, 2019 | Song of the Day
These two poems belong to a cycle of five by Eduard Mörike. Wolf’s Peregrina songs represent a rarity in his output, a diptych of sorts—neither piece entire of itself, but together forming a musical world that illuminates the explicit narratives within, and the...
by nyfos | May 8, 2018 | Song of the Day
In anticipation of NYFOS’s program Lyrics by Shakespeare, performed on August 8 as part of Lincoln Center’s Mostly Mozart Festival, we are featuring a week of songs inspired by Shakespeare on Song of the Day. It will be held in the intimate Kaplan Penthouse so seating...
by Miles Mykkanen | Jun 19, 2017 | Song of the Day
We begin our week with a horror story in the Black Forest. One of my favorite things about the study of poetry and music is opening my imagination to the world in which these magnificent compositions were birthed. Take a journey with me now to Stuttgart in the 1820s...
by Justine Aronson | May 11, 2017 | Song of the Day
“Ich denke diess, und denke dass, ich sehne mich, als weiss nicht recht nach was: halb ist es Lust, halb ist es Klage” “I think about this and that, I feel a longing, but don’t know exactly what for: half is joy, half is pain.” Hugo Wolf...
by Charlotte Dobbs | Jun 13, 2016 | Song of the Day
I fell in love with this recording of Dawn Upshaw’s Naumberg recital with Margo Garrett on the piano when I was a student at Juilliard. It was actually Steve Blier who divined that this song would turn out to be a life-changingly meaningful piece for me, and...
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