I fell in love with this recording of Dawn Upshaw’s Naumberg recital with Margo Garrett on the piano when I was a student at Juilliard. It was actually Steve Blier who divined that this song would turn out to be a life-changingly meaningful piece for me, and assigned it to me to learn when I was studying with him there. I have him to thank for all the transcendent experiences I have had “channelling” this song for audiences. I don’t usually talk about performing in such a rarified light, but whenever I do this piece I feel like I am living the experience of Ganymed’s assumption into the heavens… the tremolos in the piano in the final section (starting at 3:17 in this recording) to me beautifully depict the boy Ganymed’s assumption into Olympus, passing through towering clouds.
I love Dawn’s performance of this piece for its dreamlike, sexual/spiritual yearning, and Margo’s subtle and painterly playing.
I am an unabashed language nerd and love translating the poems that I sing. Here’s my translation of Ganymed:
Wie im Morgenglanze du rings mich anglühst, Frühling, Geliebter! Mit tausendfacher Liebeswonne Sich an mein Herz drängt deiner ewigen Wärme Heilig Gefühl, Unendliche Schöne! Daß ich dich fassen möcht In diesen Arm! |
How in the morning clarity you glow around me, Spring, my beloved! With thousandfold love raptures presses itself on my heart your eternal warmness of holy feeling, unending beauty! If I could only grasp you in these arms! |
Ach, an deinem Busen Lieg ich und schmachte, Und deine Blumen, dein Gras Drängen sich an mein Herz. Du kühlst den brennenden Durst meines Busens, Lieblicher Morgenwind! Ruft drein die Nachtigall Liebend nach mir in die Nebelthal. |
Oh, on your breast I lie and yearn, And your flowers, your grass Press themselves against my heart. You cool the burning thirst of my breast, lovely morning wind! There calls the nightingale Lovingly after me in the misty valley. |
Ich komm’, ich komme! Wohin? Ach, wohin? Hinauf! Hinauf strebt’s. Es schweben die Wolken Abwärts, die Wolken Neigen sich der sehnenden Liebe. Mir! Mir! In eurem Schosse Aufwärts! Umfangend umfangen! Aufwärts an deinen Busen, Alliebender Vater! |
I come, I come! Where? Oh, to where? Upwards! Upwards I strive. The clouds float Downwards, the clouds bow down to yearning love. To me! To me! In your breast Upwards! Embracing, embraced! Upwards to your breast, All-loving Father! |