It’s Tuesday. It’s really hot this July. Tempers are flaring, folks are getting violent (though I’ve read that crime is down 50% over the past 20 years). Politics looks like some wierd version of “Survivor”. What we need is something cool and uplifting. Take 6, who emerged in the late 1980’s has always been my favorite a cappella boy band. They created their own sounds and rhythms way before any one heard of beatboxing. Here they are in something very cool, and for me, reassuring for these sizzling times. “We Sure Do Need Him Now”.
Take 6: We Sure Do Need Him Now

Written by Michael Barrett
Associate Artistic Director, NYFOS
In category: Song of the Day
Published July 26, 2016
author: Michael Barrett
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Michael Barrett is the co-founder and associate artistic director of New York Festival of Song, as well as the co-founder and music director of the Moab Music Festival in Utah. A conductor and a pianist, Michael was a protégé of Leonard Bernstein and serves as music advisor to the Leonard Bernstein Estate.