Over the last hundred years, Hanukkah has swelled in significance and popularity among the American Jewish community. In a twist, this trend strangely seems to suit the ancient rabbinic injunction that the holiday miracle ought to be publicized far and wide. In the last decade, social media has provided countless opportunities for increasingly creative, occasionally sardonic, but decidedly heartfelt new Hanukkah tunes. One of my absolute favorites is by my Park Slope neighbor Michelle Citrin, whose 2012 viral YouTube video speaks for itself.
Michelle Citrin: Hanukkah Lovin
author: Joshua Breitzer
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Joshua Breitzer is cantor and music director of Congregation Beth Elohim in Brooklyn. Considered one of his generation’s leading talents, Cantor Breitzer has performed at such prestigious venues as Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and Merkin Concert Hall. For the past several years, he has appeared with NYFOS in our annual “A Goyishe Christmas to You!” program, and has coached several NYFOS’s Emerging Artists on Jewish repertoire.