Maybe because I am a Sagittarius and have an incessant yearning to escape life, avoid 9-5 jobs, and live my best creative life by doing my own thing that I picked Queen’s 1984 hit, “I want to break free”. I have a very distinct memory of me in high school, blaring this song while driving with the windows down in my hometown of Cockeysville, Maryland. Why yes, I am from a place called Cockeysville. It’s a wonderful place to grow up, but you can understand why NYC is a much better fit for me. I had to break free.
Queen: I Want To Break Free
author: Mary Claire Curran
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Mary Claire (MC) Curran is a Writer and Editorial Associate for Classical Singer Magazine as well as the creator of the music blog, Classical Concrete, which features a monthly Spotify playlist. She is a soprano, a skilled conversationalist and loves meeting new people. She lives in NYC.