It’s the big Bernstein year. Steven Blier and I have already done a passel of LB shows, with more to come this winter and next fall. But here’s a beautiful rarity from his Peter Pan. Most folks don’t know it, since it didn’t have a big run on B’way. He wrote half a dozen songs for Boris Karloff’s show (he was Hook, of course), but as always, Lenny delivered some keepers. Here is “My House” from Peter Pan. It’s Wendy’s song, and I think she’s hoping her home will be be built with Peter Pan. But as Lenny said to us several times ”Yes, but Peter was otherwise occupied” or something to that effect. This is an almost virginal and lovely performance by a very young woman who gives this song its innocent due. Happy New Year, everyone. Go build your house of love, please.
Leonard Bernstein: My House

Written by Michael Barrett
Associate Artistic Director, NYFOS
In category: Song of the Day
Published January 5, 2018
author: Michael Barrett
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Michael Barrett is the co-founder and associate artistic director of New York Festival of Song, as well as the co-founder and music director of the Moab Music Festival in Utah. A conductor and a pianist, Michael was a protégé of Leonard Bernstein and serves as music advisor to the Leonard Bernstein Estate.