This week’s Song of the Day is hosted by Jesse Blumberg and Donna Breitzer, the Artistic Director and Executive Director, respectively, of Five Boroughs Music Festival.
A drag song! There had to be one, and Steve B. sure picked a winner. Much to my regret, I had never heard of John Wallowitch until Steve introduced me to this hilarious and memorable song. The sharp-witted Wallowitch and his impeccable rhymes make me grin whenever I recall them. I also have a special appreciation for the eponymous hero, Bruce, which was also my father’s name. It’s nearly impossible, albeit incredibly amusing, to imagine my dad in any of the scenarios depicted in these lyrics.
Here’s a clip of John Wallowitch performing “Bruce”
As fabulous as this performance is, however, you really haven’t lived until you’ve seen Steve Blier and Matt Boehler do this song. I’m in stitches the entire time, EVERY time. Don’t miss Manning the Canon on June 25th!