OTHER WORLDS: Songs of Fantasy
WED, APR 9, 8pm
Merkin Hall at Kaufman Music Center
129 W 67th St
Buy Tickets $20-70
Students $10 at 212-501-3330 or at the door
Or subscribe to NYFOS’s 3-concert Spring 2025 season, and see Le Tour de France, Beginner’s Luck on March 20, and Other Worlds on April 9.
Complimentary post-concert wine reception with the artists included with admission.
Mezzo-soprano Kara Dugan, baritone John Brancy, Grammy Award-winning clarinetist Mark Dover in his NYFOS debut, and pianist Peter Dugan join NYFOS’s Steven Blier for a new program that explores the mysteries of the forest, the ocean, and the skies, with songs by Schumann, Spohr, Sibelius, and many others.