Written by Chelsea Shephard


In category: Song of the Day

Published February 10, 2017

This is our last day together, all you amazing folks who support NYFOS!!!  I can’t believe I only get to share one more song with you. I’ll have to beg Steve to let me do this again sometime in the summer. For my final selection, I want to say Thank You. However, because life is never quite what you expect, I have decided to throw you a curve ball. Instead of choosing “Allerseelen” or the Bach/Gounod “Ave Maria” or “Thank You for Being My Friend” (or whatever it’s called), I have chosen Alanis Morrisette’s version. This is from her album after ‘Jagged Little Pill’ which she, and all of us, know will never and should never be duplicated. That being said, I love this song. It’s not her best song ever, and I hate that she called it “Thank U”, but I believe she truly means every word of it. And please believe me when I say to each and all of you: Thank You.

Thank U
Alanis Morisette

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Soprano Chelsea Shephard (formerly Morris) was praised by Opera News for her “beautiful, lyric instrument” and “flawless legato” when she performed in NYFOS’s Emerging Artist program in 2015. Come hear her in Picnic Cantata/Dinner at Eight on Feb 18 in Reston, VA or on Feb 21 in NYC.


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